Douglas Library of Hebron

Library Policies

Our Policy Manual is also available as a downloadable PDF for ease of printing and reading.

Strategic Plan

Please review the below document to learn more about our strategic plan for 2022-2027:

Mission Statement

The mission of the Douglas Library of Hebron is to support the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of all members of the Hebron community by providing access to a professional staff, a state-of-the-art facility, quality resources, programs, and services and preserving records of the town’s history that are entrusted to the library. (Amended August 8, 2016)

Vision Statement

The Douglas Library of Hebron is an integral part of our community offering a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment to pursue lifelong learning by utilizing our ever-evolving collections, services, and technologies. (Amended July 11, 2022)

General Objectives

The Douglas Library promotes the freedom to read, to learn and to discover by serving as a learning and community center for all residents of Hebron. The Douglas Library supports and encourages life-long learning and fosters a literate, informed, and culturally-aware community. Working together, library personnel strives to provide equal access to information, ideas, and knowledge through books, programs, and other resources. (Amended March 13, 2023)

Purpose of this Manual

This manual is the central reference point for the policies of the Douglas Library. These rules establish boundaries for behavior and guidelines for best practices for library staff and users while ensuring fair and equal access to Library materials. The Library and the Board of Trustees reserve the right to modify, change, or delete policies when appropriate. Each policy is current and accurate as of the date indicated therein.

The Douglas Library of Hebron subscribes to the principles found in The American Library Association Bill of Rights, American Library Association Code of Ethics, American Library Association Access for Children and Young Adults, American Library Association Freedom to Read, and the American Library Association Statement on Labeling. (Amended 3/13/2023)

Circulation Policy

The Circulation Policy of the Douglas Library exists to facilitate free and equal access to the materials and information contained in the Library’s collections. A Douglas Library card allows a patron to check out materials, remotely access content in online databases, utilize digital media from library vendors, and more. The Douglas Library and its collections are available for use by residents of Hebron. In addition, under the Connecticard reciprocal borrowing system of the Connecticut State Library, any resident of another Connecticut town or city may borrow items from the Library’s collections provided they present a valid borrower card in good standing from their hometown public library.

Library materials are the property of the Town of Hebron. Library cards are issued to identify users of library materials and to provide a means of recovering materials that have not been returned. Loan periods are designed both to allow adequate time for borrowers to use materials and to provide timely loans of materials that are in high demand. Borrowers assume responsibility for payment of fees or fines for materials not returned on time or those that are lost or damaged.

Confidentiality of User Records

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes, Sec. 11-25(b) (1), “records maintained by libraries that can be used to identify any library user, or link any user to a library transaction, regardless of format, shall be kept confidential, except that the records may be disclosed to officers, employees and agents of the library, as necessary for operation of the library.”

Registration and Library Cards

Any person over the age of eighteen (18) who shows proof of a current residential address within the Town of Hebron may receive a Douglas Library card free of charge. Library cards will be valid for three (3) years. At time of renewal of library card, applicants will be asked to verify address and other information on the patron record. A suspended account may not be renewed until the account has been brought back into good standing. Library users are responsible for all materials checked out on their card.

Parents/Legal Guardians of children between the ages of four (4) and seventeen (17) may obtain a library card for their child/children by meeting the same requirements. Parents must have a valid Douglas Library card. Parents are financially responsible for all items borrowed on a child’s card.

Proof of residency includes a photo ID with current address. Identification with only a post office box number will not be accepted. If a photo ID with a current address cannot be produced, a photo ID along with a significant piece of mail received at the current address will suffice. ‘Significant mail’ includes utility bills, phone bills, bank statements, lease agreements, car registrations, and any piece of mail deemed worthy of proving residency by the Director.

Library cards are not transferable. Library cards or photo IDs must be presented to use certain library services. Summer residents who own property in Hebron whose permanent residence is outside of Connecticut may obtain a library card by showing proof of tax payments. A fee of $2.00 will be assessed for the replacement of a lost library card.

Loan Periods and Limits

Loan periods and limits on the number of items that may be borrowed are established to provide users with an adequate amount of time to use materials and return them so they are available to others.

Library users may have a maximum of forty (40) items checked out at any one time. Adult and Children’s Reference materials are available for overnight loan at the discretion of the Director, Head of Circulation or the Children’s Librarian. Local History and current periodicals are not available for loan but may be used in the library. Materials may be borrowed for one (1) loan period with one (1) renewal, except new DVDs, interlibrary loan books, museum passes, and summer reading materials. Items on hold for another patron may not be renewed. Borrowers may renew items in person, by phone, or through the online public access catalog. These limits may be changed at the discretion of library staff.

Loan Periods

New Adult Books14 days
Adult and Children’s Books21 days
New Audiobooks14 days
Audiobooks21 days
Music CDs21 days
New DVDs, Blu-rays, and 4K discs3 days
DVDs, Blu-rays, and 4K discs7 days
Interlibrary Loan items21 days
Magazines21 days
Passes-Digital – 1 day, Physical – 3 days
Book Discussion items21 days
Summer Reading14 days
Overdrive Downloadable MaterialsPer consortia policy
Other Digital MediaVaries; at the discretion of the vendor


Materials that are “on order” or in circulation may be reserved in person, by phone, or through the online public access catalog.

Interlibrary Loans

Materials that are not owned by the Douglas Library or another library within the same consortium (i.e. Bibliomation) may be borrowed through the Connecticut State Library FindIT service. All FindIT materials must be returned to the Douglas Library. Intra-consortium loans may be returned at any library within that same consortium.

Fines and Fees

Overdue Fines

It is the responsibility of the borrower to know the due date of all items checked out. Borrowing privileges are suspended if there is an overdue item for which the replacement cost has been assessed or a fine(s) has accrued in excess of $5.00. Prompt payment of overdue fines, replacement costs, and processing fees for lost materials is expected. No refunds of any of these charges will be made if lost item is found after payment. No overdue fine will exceed the cost of the item.

Museum Passes$10.00 per day
Wi-Fi Hotspots$10.00 per day

Fees for Lost Items

The fee for replacing an item which is lost or damaged beyond repair is the current replacement cost of the item. Fees for repairs are as follows:

Adult Hardcover & Trade Paperback Books$5.00
AudiobooksCost of Repairs
Children’s Hardcover Books$5.00
Music CDs$2.50

Technology Lending Policy

The Douglas Library of Hebron lends out various pieces of technology to Connecticut public library card holders in good standing ages 18 and above (i.e. library card is not blocked due to unpaid fines or lost material) accompanied by a valid photo ID. The lending period for these materials is one (1) week. These items may not be reserved or renewed. The Douglas Library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment or are repeatedly late returning electronic devices. The Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from use of device. Illegal use of this device is prohibited.

  • A patron must present their library card along with a government issued photo identification to the circulation desk. Once an item is checked out to a patron, it becomes the responsibility of the patron.
  • Only one device may be checked out to a family or household at one time.
  • Any changes in condition, of the device, or content while in the patron’s care will be the patron’s responsibility. The patron is responsible for damage, loss or theft. Patrons should have a basic working knowledge of the device on checkout. If any technical issues are encountered while in the care of the patron, the patron should notify the library immediately.
  • Items must be returned directly to a staff member. They are not to be returned to another library or in the book drops. Each item will be examined upon return and any damage discovered will be billed to the patron.
  • A returned item  must remain available in the library for 24 hours before the same patron, or another patron living in the same household, may check it out again.
  • An overdue fee of $10.00 per day up to the full replacement cost will be charged. Damaged devices or parts will be charged at full replacement cost.
  • If the borrower refuses to pay the replacement cost for the device, they will be blocked from further borrowing privileges until the amount is below $5.00. If the patron returns the hotspot or tablet late three (3) times, he/she will be barred from borrowing electronic devices.
  • Patrons must fill out the Technology Lending Agreement upon checkout.

Museum Passes

  • Physical museum passes are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Digital passes may be reserved up to 30 days in advance of their use date.
  • Physical passes must be returned inside the library or in the DVD drop.
  • Patrons are responsible for the full replacement value for lost or damaged passes.
  • Library staff may place limits on how many passes may be checked out to a single family or group during high use periods.

Collection Development Policy

The Douglas Library of Hebron strives to provide equitable access to information from a diverse collection of sources and creators.  Maintaining a collection of current materials with a broad scope of topics of interest is one way in which the Library works towards this goal.

The Douglas Library of Hebron endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, available at, and Freedom to Read Statement, available at

Responsibility for Collection Development

The responsibility for collection development rests with the Library Director, in accordance with the policy set by the Library Board of Trustees.  The Director may delegate selection responsibilities to professional staff.  The Library relies on the professional knowledge and judgement of the staff, who use a variety of resources to make selections for the collection, including but not limited to professional journals, media outlets, online resources, and publisher catalogs. 

Selection Guidelines

Selection of materials in all departments is based on usefulness, quality, popularity, authority of presentation, presentation of varying views, accuracy and objectivity of material, current interest in subject matter, popular demand, cost, and availability of materials from other sources such as the Bibliomation consortium.    

Materials for all departments are selected on the basis of the work as a whole and are not excluded because of isolated passages or frankness of expression.  No book or library material shall be excluded because of race, nationality, the political or social views of the author, or due to membership in any protected group covered under chapter 814c of the Connecticut General Statutes.

The Library does not generally acquire self-published materials or textbooks.

The children’s department offers developmentally appropriate materials in a variety of formats that meet the informational and recreational needs of children aged birth through twelve.  The department maintains a collection that is relevant, of appropriate size and quality, and that represents a variety of views and expressions.  Some materials in the children’s collection might not be considered appropriate by all adults for all children. Only each child and their parent or caregiver can decide what material is suitable for that child.

The teen collection offers developmentally appropriate materials in a variety of formats that meet the informational and recreational needs of preteens and teenagers ages twelve to eighteen. The teen collection maintains a collection that is relevant, of appropriate size and quality, and that represents a diversity of views and expressions.  Some materials in the Teen Services Collection might not be considered appropriate by all adults for all teenagers. While some materials could be too mature for one teen, other teens may be ready for them. Only each teen and their parent or caregiver can decide what material is suitable for that teen.

The Adult department contains materials in a variety of formats that meet the informational and recreational needs of Hebron community members over the age of eighteen.

Electronic materials are available in all departments and include databases, e-Books, e-Audiobooks, and downloadable and streaming media. Criteria used in selecting digital resources include ease of use, uniqueness of content, technology requirements, copyright, availability for remote access, and cost. Certain digital collections the Library makes accessible to users are governed by the vendor’s specific terms of service, including patron residency and minimum age requirements. Some material available in a broader digital collection might not be considered appropriate by all adults for all children. The fact that children may possibly access materials their parents or guardians consider inappropriate does not impact the selection of databases and digital platforms.

All criteria need not be met for purchase consideration.

Suggestions for purchase of materials from patrons are welcome and will be given serious consideration according to the same criteria as other materials.  Gifts of materials to the Library will also be considered according to the same standards as other materials.

Collection Maintenance:

The Library’s collections are regularly weeded due to limited space and the changing needs of the community.  Criteria for discarding an item from the collection include lack of use, condition, and acquisition of newer materials to replace outdated items.

Parental Responsibility:

The Library does not restrict access to materials in the collection on the basis of age.  The responsibility for guiding and directing the reading, listening, and viewing choices of children lies with the parents or guardians of those children.

Reconsideration of Library Materials:

Any patron objecting to the inclusion of an item in the collections of the Douglas Library of Hebron may make a formal request for removal in writing by completing the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form.  All requests will be reviewed by the Library Director who will make a decision, based upon the policy set by the Board of Trustees, within forty-five days.  Materials under review remain in the collection during the reconsideration process. 

If the patron is not satisfied with the Library Director’s response, the patron may request referral to the Board of Trustees for review within ten business days of the director’s decision. The Review of the Board of Trustees will not be de novo but will be limited to the consideration of whether the Library Directors’ decision was arbitrary and capricious or clearly erroneous in light of the Library’s Collection Development Policy. The Board of Trustees will send a written response to the patron within forty-five days of the review request.  The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.

Library materials will not be marked or identified to indicate approval or disapproval of the contents, and no catalogued book or other item will be removed from the open shelves except for the express purpose of protecting it from damage or theft.  The decision by an author, publisher, or other content creator to withdraw their work will not be considered sufficient reason alone for the Library to withdraw it from the collection.

A resource that has previously been reconsidered by request shall be exempt from additional requests for reconsideration for two years following being retained in the Library’s collection despite a formal request for reconsideration. The Library Director shall summarize the previous decision in response to any new request for reconsideration during that time period.

The authority regarding removal or retention of library materials ultimately resides with the Library Board of Trustees, which approves the Collection Development Policy.

Library Use Policy

The Douglas Library is the public library of Hebron. It is open to the public and does not discriminate. All are welcome to use its resources. Use of the Library requires respect for others who are enjoying the Library facilities, services, and programs. For the comfort and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of Library property, the following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property. This list is not exhaustive or exclusive. Included are:

  • Disruptive behavior, such as but not limited to, running, playing audio equipment loudly, threatening or harassing behavior, public intoxication, talking loudly, or any other behavior that would hinder other patrons, volunteers, or staff.
  • Stealing or vandalizing any property of the Library, Library staff, or Library users.
  • Use of skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, or roller scooters on Library property.
  • Soliciting of any kind including seeking or collecting signatures for a petition.
  • Smoking, vaping, or the use of any alcohol or tobacco products in the Library.
  • Possession or use of illegal drugs.
  • Bicycles or scooters except in designated areas.
  • Entering the library barefooted, or without a shirt.
  • Personal hygiene which may present a health or safety issue to patrons, volunteers or staff.
  • Misuse of restrooms, e.g. no bathing or washing clothing.
  • Bringing animals into the Library, except service animals.
  • Sleeping.

The Library Director or designated staff shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Library Use Policy. Depending on the severity of the infraction, the Library will institute discipline ranging from a verbal warning, through denial of specific privileges, such as use of the Library computers, to denial of the right to use the Library for a specified time period. Upon refusal of such person to obey the directives, the Director or designated staff is hereby authorized and directed to make a complaint to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Library staff will complete the appropriate incident report form. Appeals relating to suspension of Library service privileges and/or revocation of privileges shall be made to the Board of Trustees.

Unattended Children Policy

Children and adults alike are welcome and encouraged to use the Douglas Library.  In order to maintain a safe, orderly, and proper environment for library use and library property, the following guidelines regarding the supervision of minors are in effect.

  • Parents and guardians are responsible for the conduct of their children/minors at all times when on library premises. The Douglas Library staff assumes no responsibility for the safety, care, or supervision of children/minors.
  • Children under age twelve (12) must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times and in all areas of the library.
  • If the library must close in an emergency, library staff will make an effort to alert parents to make sure that the child will be picked up.
    1. If a child is alone at the library closing, library staff will call the parent/caregiver.  If staff cannot reach a parent/caregiver, the police will be called to assume responsibility for the child.  A staff member will remain with the child until the parent/caregiver or police arrive in clear view of a library camera.
  • It is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to make certain that work and home telephone numbers are on file with the library application to use in the event of an emergency.
  • Parents or caregivers should be aware of the library’s openings and closing times and make suitable arrangements to meet and transport their children.
  • Parents or caregivers will not direct their children to the library in the event of an emergency or town or school closing in that the same conditions that caused the school closing may also affect library operations.
  • Staff will not transport children home or to any other destination.

Storytime Policy

  • Storytime is a free service offered to the community of Hebron and to surrounding towns. Storytime is open to the public.
  • Due to room capacity and staffing, enrollment is restricted in compliance with safety standards.
  • Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis and is limited to parents and caregivers in the private sector. We reserve the right to refuse commercial caregivers, i.e., nursery schools, home and public daycare providers, and playgroups. Alternate services are offered to these types of institutions.
  • Children may not be left unattended at any time. The library and library staff may not be held responsible for loss or injury due to lack of supervision by a parent or caregiver.

Photocopier, Scanner, and Fax Use

The Douglas Library provides a photocopier, scanner, and Fax machine. The copier and scanner are self-service; however, Library staff will operate the Fax machine.

  • The per copy charge for public use of the photocopier and scanner is $.25 or $.50 for color.
    • Library employees wishing to make photocopies and scans for personal use will be charged the same as the public.
  • Organizations wishing to produce photocopies/scans, which will benefit the library, may do so at no charge.  Appropriateness of subject matter to be copied or scanned will be left to the discretion of the librarian or librarian’s designee.
  • Municipal organizations requiring photocopier/scanner use in emergency situations may use the library copier at no charge. Other nonprofit groups may be granted the same privilege at the discretion of the Director. Copy paper will be supplied by the user.
  • Fax transaction fees: $2.00 for first page and $1.00 for each additional page including cover sheet. Fees apply to send or receive.

Community Bulletin Board

  • The Douglas Library will post meeting activities of civic, cultural, educational, or recreational groups on the Community Meeting Bulletin Board located at the main entrance near the elevator.
  • Notices must meet the following criteria: neat, no larger than 8 x 11, and legible lettering. 
  • No notices of a personal nature, business solicitations, religious tracts, petitions, campaign literature, or articles for sale may be posted.
  • Priority will be given to announcements of events of Hebron organizations.
  • Priority will be given to events occurring during the month.
  • Notices must be approved by Library staff and dated.
  • The right side of the bulletin board is reserved for library related postings. The left side is available for public postings following above guidelines.

Food and Beverages

The Douglas Library strives to create a welcoming, clean, and comfortable environment for all to enjoy. Covered beverages are allowed in the Library including bottled water and hot beverages Trash should be disposed of in the provided receptacles. Spills must be reported to Library staff immediately.

Meeting Room Policy

The Douglas Library of Hebron (Library) has several meeting rooms available for public use. Library functions have first priority, and the Library reserves the right to preempt non-library use. When the meeting rooms are not needed for Library activities, nonprofit and community organizations serving the Hebron community may use the meeting rooms for educational, civic, and/or cultural programs.  The Board of Trustees of the Douglas Library of Hebron views the use of the facilities of the library as an extension of the library services. The rooms shall be available to the Hebron community in its broadest sense, and reflect the educational, cultural, and social role the library plays. The Board subscribes to Article IV of the Library Bill of Rights which states: “…that facilities should be made available to the public served by the given library on an equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”

There are two meeting rooms and three (3) study rooms available for public use by groups (hereinafter referred to as meeting room(s)):

  • Community Room (capacity not to exceed 282 people with chairs only in the space and 132 people with tables and chairs in the space)
  • Board Room (capacity not to exceed 15 people)
  • Study Rooms (first come first served, except in special situations, (up to 8 people))

I.   Availability and Eligibility for Use

All meeting room reservations are on a first come, first served basis, however, the following priorities will prevail in using the meeting rooms:

  1. Douglas Library
  2. Board of Trustees
  3. Town of Hebron
  4. Douglas Library Association
  5. Friends of the Douglas Library
  6. Hebron non-profit organizations

The Community Room will be reserved for the use of the Town of Hebron on all Tuesday and Thursday nights, and can only be used by other groups, including the Library, if the Town does not need the room on that particular date.

For-profit organizations will not be allowed to use the meeting rooms for any purpose.  Private use of the meeting rooms is not permitted, including for private parties or receptions such as, but not limited to, birthdays, showers, reunions, graduations, memorials, or sales parties.

Youth groups may use the meeting rooms provided that there is at least one adult supervisor present (age 21 or older) for each ten youths in attendance. The adult supervisor shall sign the application for the use of the facility and shall assume full responsibility for the entire group from the time the first member arrives until the last one has left the premises.

Meeting rooms are generally available during normal library operating hours. Meeting room use may extend beyond normal operating hours provided that prior arrangements have been made with the Director or authorized representative.

Use of library spaces by a group or organization in no way implies endorsement of that group by the Library or the Town of Hebron.

The Library reserves the right to impose limitations on the length and frequency of use of the meeting rooms by any one individual or organization, to allow others to have the opportunity to make use of these spaces.

The Library assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage of any property of any individual or organization using the Library’s meeting rooms or facilities, and in addition, assumes no responsibility for the personal injury of any individual using the Library’s meeting rooms.  Groups using the meeting rooms will be held responsible for any costs incurred by the Library or the Town of Hebron as a result of that use.

Use of the meeting rooms is at the discretion of the Library Director.

II. Application and Charge For Use

A written application must be submitted to the Director or authorized agent for use of the meeting room at least thirty days but no more than one year prior to the requested meeting date. The director or authorized agent will notify the requestor within seven days of receipt of the request as to whether or not the request can be granted. An approved application must be on file and any and any fees paid prior to use of the meeting room.

The group making application for the use of the building and grounds shall agree to indemnify, relieve from all responsibility, and to render harmless from any claims, actions, or causes of action of any kind which may arise out of the use of the facility by such individual or group, the Douglas Library of Hebron and its employees or the Town of Hebron for any damage or loss to property or person of any individual attending the event.  Groups must provide their own insurance coverage: $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage Single Limit Liability naming the Douglas Library of Hebron and the Town of Hebron as additional insured.  Certified verification of such insurance will be required to be filed no less than eight (8) business days before the event.

If a group does not have the necessary insurance, they may use the Town of Hebron’s Insurance, Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency (CIRMA), for a fee under GatherGuard, available at Please call the Town Office Building at 860-228-5971 to with questions regarding this insurance.

The standard fee for use of the meeting room beyond normal library operating hours for Hebron Community organizations or other non-profit organizations in the Hebron Community will be as follows:

  • Meeting rooms $25 per hour or part thereof
  • Use of kitchen   $25 No food preparation allowed; only warming and plating (food may be consumed only in the meeting room)

There will be a $25 charge to the responsible party listed on the application in the event that the meeting room and the library facilities are not left in the same condition they were found, including (but not limited to) in the event that extra cleaning is required by the library’s custodial staff.

 The Library reserves the right to cancel any/all programs scheduled to take place on its property for any reason.

III.  Guidelines for Use of the Meeting Rooms

  • Groups using meeting rooms will be responsible for setting up chairs, tables, etc., and for returning the room to the configuration in which it was found prior to the meeting or event.  Organizations are liable for any and all damages to library property.
  • The individual who makes the application for use of the meeting room must be present for the duration of the program or event unless prior approval is granted by the Library Director.
  • All publicity for non-Library-sponsored events is the responsibility of the individual or organization using the meeting room and will contain the disclaimer “This event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Douglas Library of Hebron.”  The name, address, and phone number of the Douglas Library may not be used as the official address of any group or organization using the meeting rooms nor may any non-Library group using the meeting rooms publicize its activities in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship.
  • Admission, tuition, or other fees may not be charged except by departments of the Town of Hebron.. No gambling is allowed. Raffles are only allowed if legally permitted and benefitting the library.  No direct sale of goods or services is permitted except those directly benefiting the library by those organizations directly affiliated with the library.
  • Personal information may not be solicited from programming attendees.
  • No fundraising activities will be allowed, except for those benefitting the Library or other departments of the Town of Hebron..
  • Items may not be taped or tacked to walls, doors, pillars, etc.
  • The use of candles, flammable liquids, and/or any open flame is prohibited.
  • No alcoholic beverages or smoking are allowed on Library property.
  • If food is to be served, the individual or organization is responsible for providing all food products, utensils, dishes, etc., and for all clean up and removal of all items.  Further, it is the individual’s or organization’s responsibility to observe all relevant health codes.  Food may be consumed only in the meeting rooms.
  • Use of Library A/V equipment must be requested at the time of application and the user must be thoroughly trained in the use of the equipment.  Technical assistance is not guaranteed to be available at the time of the meeting.
  • Groups showcasing media in the meeting rooms must secure all necessary performance rights or agree to indemnify the Library for any failure on their part to do so.
  • Meetings that interfere with regular use of the Library will not be permitted.  This includes, but is not limited to, excessive noise and/or attendees blocking access to Library resources or hallways.
  • Adherence to the Library Use Policy is mandatory at all times.  Meeting rooms users are responsible for ensuring that all attendees adhere to Library guidelines.  This includes ensuring appropriate supervision for all children in attendance.
  • Meeting room users are responsible for all ADA requests made by meeting participants.
  • All federal, state, and local ordinances, as well as the regulations and codes of the police and fire departments and fire marshal relating to public assemblies, must be strictly obeyed.
  • Library staff may access meeting rooms at all times.
  • Future applications may be rejected and permission may be withdrawn for future events due to violation of these guidelines or conduct inconsistent with Library policies.  Request for reconsideration of rejection of future applications may be addressed to the Board of Trustees.

IV. Governing the Handling of Library Property

  • All children, when moving chairs, tables, or other items in the library, shall be supervised by adults.
  • No child shall move any object that is not appropriate to the child’s size and/or which could cause harm or damage to them.
  • Any failure of adults to provide appropriate supervision or guidance to children under their care as stated above will be taken seriously and could result in a denial of their application to use the Library’s meeting rooms or to participate in programs or events held at the Library      

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, the Library Director in consultation with the Library Board President or designee and the Town Manager’s Office will determine if the library should open for regular hours, delay opening or in the event that the library is already open, that the library will close early.  The Director will base the decision upon weather reports, assessment of area road conditions, and the condition of the library parking lot and walkways.

Once a decision has been made, the Director will contact the news media and affected staff members.  In the event that the Director is not available, the head of circulation and/or the children’s librarian will make the decision not to open or delay opening.  If the library is open and a weather situation develops during which the Director, head of circulation, and children’s librarian are not able to be reached, then the senior staff member in the building may make the decision to close.

The Director will use the internal library board policy stating the criteria for closing in the February 15, 2008 policy passed by the library board. The library will not automatically close when schools close.

Part-time staff will be paid for at least three hours if already on duty for their scheduled work shift if the library closes early.  They will not be paid for time missed beyond what they have worked, or if they have already worked three hours and the library closes for inclement weather.

Full-time employees are expected to report to work according to their regular work schedules, unless the Town Manager’s Office closed Town Offices due to inclement weather.  No employee will be required to stay at work or come to work if they choose not to.  They have the option to use previously accrued personal time, or vacation time to make up missed hours.

Volunteer Policy

The Douglas Library uses the services of volunteers to supplement the work of paid Library staff in meeting demands for quality public service. The services of volunteers do not take the place of work done by paid Library staff. Volunteers aid the Library in making the best use of its fiscal resources and contribute to a positive image of the Library in the community. Volunteers are expected to act in accordance with Library policies and to reflect a positive customer service attitude to all library patrons.

A volunteer in the Children’s Department will be at least twelve (12) years of age; a volunteer in the Adult/YA Departments will be at least sixteen (16) years of age. Volunteers contribute time, energy, and talents and are not paid by Library funds. Volunteers must fill out a Volunteer Application and an Emergency Contact Form before being accepted. Volunteers under the age of eighteen (18) must have the application signed by a parent or legal guardian. Approval of a volunteer is at the discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee based on an applicant’s qualifications in relation to the Library’s needs.

The Library has absolute discretion to deny an application; however, the Library will not discriminate on the basis of sex, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, race, color or disability or any other legally protected characteristic.

The Friends of the Douglas Library is a volunteer organization established as a 501(c)(3). A Board of Directors sets their policies and oversees their operations and expenditures. The Board or its designee is responsible for their volunteers.

All transactions between Library users and staff or volunteers are strictly confidential. Volunteers may not perform activities that could reveal confidential patron information or use the Integrated Library System (ILS).

Display Case

The Douglas Library welcomes and encourages individuals, community organizations, and groups to use the display case located near the front entrance to the Library. The display case is available for presentations of an educational, civic, cultural, or artistic nature. Displays of materials on controversial topics must cover a range of views, and does not constitute endorsement by the Douglas Library. Access to all will be on an equitable basis. The display case is not available for commercial use or benefit. No prices or price lists are to appear with any exhibit item.

Requests for use of the display case are made by completing the Douglas Library Display Application Form. Final approval for the display will be made by the Library Director. Display case exhibits are generally for a thirty (30) day period and scheduling is on a first come, first served basis. The Library reserves the right to limit the frequency and length of all displays. No display materials may be left anywhere at the Library in preparation for the setting up or removal of a display. Placement and removal of exhibits will be the responsibility of the exhibitors. The Library assumes no responsibility or liability for the preservation, protection, loss or damage to any part of the exhibit. All items placed in the Library’s display case are done so at the owner’s risk.

Computer, Internet, and Wi-Fi Use

In response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Douglas Library endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of Hebron’s diverse community.

In compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Douglas Library filters all its computers, and all access to the Internet through its network, to protect against access to obscene visual depictions, child pornography, and/or other material harmful to minors, as required by law.

The filter may unintentionally block sites that have legitimate research value and fail to block objectionable content. Users should be aware that Internet filtering software installed for CIPA compliance should not substitute for individual judgment and/or parental involvement and oversight. Library staff will disable filtered Internet access to persons 18 or older who request it for bona fide research or any other lawful purposes.

While restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is ultimately the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian, the Library strives to provide a safe and secure experience for minors using direct electronic communications (including e-mail, chat rooms, and instant messaging) by providing educational resources to parents and staff observation around its public computers.

Acceptable Use of Computers, Internet, and Wi-Fi

These resources are to be used in a responsible manner consistent with educational, professional, informational, and recreational purposes. Parents/guardians are encouraged to provide guidance to their children when using these resources. The Library does not assume liability for the reliability of the local network, the Internet, the content, or the accuracy of information found on the Internet.

Patrons must sign in at the Circulation Desk with their library card. The computer stations may be used in 60-minute increments. If no other patrons are waiting to use the computer station, the user may extend time on the computer. Those wishing to download information or store information must bring their own storage devices. Charge for printing from computer workstations or scanner is $.25 or $.50 for color per page.

As with other Library resources, staff will attempt to assist patrons with computer applications. However, due to time constraints, Library staff cannot provide in-depth instruction to users. A basic understanding of computers and the Internet is required of users.

Computers in the Children’s Library are intended for use by children age 12 and younger. Adults supervising children may use them as well, but children have first priority.

The Library’s computers may not be used to for any activity in violation of federal, state, or local laws.

Unacceptable Use of Computers, Internet, and Wi-Fi

  • Interference with or disruption of other computer users, computer services, or equipment
  • Violating software license agreements and copyright laws
  • Deliberately accessing or displaying obscene images or language
  • Providing minors with access to materials that are harmful to them as defined by CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act). This includes:
    • Unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking,” and other unlawful activities by minors online
    • Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors
  • Disclosing or sharing a user’s library card information with others or impersonating another user

Wireless access is provided as a free service to the public. The wireless Internet network is not secure and provides no data encryption between the access points and the patron’s device. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s Wi-Fi network. Users must take appropriate precautions when using this service.

Failure to comply with this policy will result in loss of Computer, Internet, or Wi-Fi access privileges.

Proctoring Policy

The Douglas Library of Hebron supports the goal of lifelong learning. Distance learning and correspondence courses are a convenient way for individuals to continue their education locally and in a cost-effective way. To support this endeavor the library will offer proctoring services with the following guidelines:


The cost of proctoring service is $25 per hour. Cash or Check only. The maximum charge per test session will be $75. Test sessions may not exceed 4 hours.

Scheduling Examinations

Tests may be proctored Monday through Friday during the library’s normal operating hours.  Advanced notice of one week is required. We cannot provide drop-in proctoring services.

Guidelines/Responsibility of Library

  1. The Library will accept emailed, mailed, or faxed exams to the library.
  2. The Library will provide a quiet space for exam takers.
  3. Proctors may be working on other tasks while student takes the exam.
  4. Proctors will enforce any given time limits that are placed on the exam, as well as other rules that are set forth in the examination materials.
  5. The Library will return completed tests as directed by the examining institution.
  6. The Library shall not be responsible for any exam once it leaves the library.
  7. The Library will not keep copies of completed exams.
  8. The Library reserves the right to deny this service, if it is determined that the proctoring request is unreasonable or places an undue burden on the Library’s facilities or staff.

Responsibility of Exam Taker:

  1. The student will schedule the exam, at least one week in advance.
  2. The student will arrange for the examining institution to send the exam to the library at least 48 hours before the scheduled test.
  3. The student is responsible for ensuring that the computer resources at the library are adequate and available for taking the test.
  4. The student will arrive prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the exam.  These supplies will be made available for approval by the proctor if required.
  5. The student will provide proper identification.
  6. The use of cell phones or visiting with others is prohibited during the test session.
  7. The student is responsible for the return postage and envelope for any exam which does not include a self-addressed stamped envelope.  Further, if it is required to fax the test to the institution the student will be responsible for that cost.
  8. The finished exam will be handled with other library mail including electronically. Every effort will be made to meet mailing deadlines.
  9. Exam takers are responsible to pay for the costs of faxing and copying if such activities are required. They will pay the same rates as the public for these services.  

Responsibility of Examining Institution:

  1. Prior contact between the examining institution and the proctor is required so that credibility and testing requirements can be verified.
  2. The examining institution is responsible for informing the test taker of any exam guidelines, instructions, and any pre-exam requirements.

Memorial Donations

Donations of materials for the collection and monetary contributions may be accepted by the library director. All other memorial donations must be accepted by the Board of Trustees. Any donations or gifts to the library must be consistent with the library’s policies, goals and objectives, and/or mission.