The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, toddler, or Pre-schooler. The goal is to have read 1000 books (yes you can repeat books) before your child starts Kindergarten.
Read just 1 book a night, you will read 365 books a year. If you read 3 books a night that is 1095 in just 1 year! If you consider that most children start kindergarten at age 5 you have more time than you think!
How it works!
Register at the Douglas Library, pick up paperwork or print it out online, and start reading! You can also use the App for keeping track. Download it on iTunes or Android! You can find out more by visiting the official website: https://1000booksbeforekindergarten.org/
Color in a circle for each book you read. Then, each time you finish a sheet visit the Library to receive your prize!
Any book counts! A book read at story time, home, or even school! Even if you read the same book often you can count it each time you read it!

For each 100 books your child reads they will receive a brag tag!
Once they have completed 1000 books, we will have a special prize, as well as your picture on our wall of honor, on the Library’s Facebook page (with parent permission), and printed in the local newspaper.